Monday, August 16, 2010

It Must Not Be Enough

Why do they say that love is enough when clearly it's never enough? If love was enough, then why do we want a family? Why do we need a bigger house? A more expensive car? A certain carat for our ring? Why aren't we just satisfied in a relationship when we're in love? Why do they need to get a promotion or make more money?

When is enough really enough?

It seems that most couples just coast through life getting married and having kids but never really spending time together until they've retired and the kids have grown. What are we teaching our children about marriage and relationships within your household? Children will pick up on the fact if you treat your spouse/partner with love and respect or you don't have time to even ask about their day. And children aren't the only one to pick up on it.

When you go into a relationship, do you ask yourself, "Will he love me forever" or "If I stay with him, when can I retire?" Why isn't our time with the ones we love about "the now."

Don't wait to take trips. Don't wait to say I love you. Don't wait to fall in love all over again.

I'm not saying this because of what can happen tomorrow; I'm saying it because of what can happen today. Why live your today's thinking only about tomorrow?

Celebrate something every day. Treat the ones you love as if every day is their birthday. Let the kids jump on the bed. Take time out for a picnic in the living room. Play the piano badly. Kiss him goodnight, every night.

Just live and love - because it IS enough.

SONG OF THE DAY: "How You Live" by Point of Grace
No one really ever died of a broken heart. The best things in life are usually free. When you're old and grey, and you look back at your life, what do you want to see and say? I wish I would've... I wish we would've... I always wanted to... I never got to... Don't let yourself say those things. There's still time to change your circumstance, your mind, and your heart. Don't waste your life. The only one stopping you from living your you. If the ones around you truly love you, they won't stand in your way. They'll support you and be there with you every step of the way - being the first one to congratulate you and to say how proud they are of you.

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